Blu accelerates their customers’ integrations with support from Jitterbit

June 11, 2021

In retail, time really is money. A flaw of a few minutes in a payment system during the conclusion of an order can result in dozens of fewer sales. Because of that, it’s necessary that all technology solutions are aligned to ensure efficiency in that endeavor.

That concern was what made Blu, a complete payment solutions company for retailers, seek help from Jitterbit, a specialist in systems and data integration. Their goal was the following: to improve processes in order to make sure that the company’s solutions would connect to their customers’ management software.

In total, with Jitterbit’s Wevo iPaaS, 120 integrations were made with over 20 connected systems. The service was able to serve more than 2,000 suppliers and 12,000 buyers, ensuring the necessary mediation with regulatory authorities and the business’s governance and full monitoring of the digital operation.

“Integrations with our partners demanded a lot of effort on our side and it could often take months. We were faced with a big challenge and needed to find a solution that allowed us to scale more efficiently,” said Pedro Gomes from Blu.

The company tried to solve this problem by itself with its own technology team. A team developed an integration engine to do all the connections, but the solution wasn’t very friendly for the final users, who often don’t have a lot of knowledge in IT.

Our partnership began in late 2019 and, after just over a year of work, results have already begun to appear. Today, all the integration processes that involve the management system (ERP) of Blu’s client companies go through Wevo iPaaS. Thus, a process that “used to be almost impossible” is now done in less than two weeks.

The secret to Wevo iPaaS has to do with how easily it does integrations, connecting different systems through simple, but simultaneously efficient, APIs. That allows Blu’s technology team to develop applications quickly and users to utilize those functionalities in a practical way because of the friendly layout. “From the beginning, there was a positive synergy between our two companies. We share the startup mentality of wanting to grow side by side and we made ourselves available to solve the problems we faced. That allowed the platform to grow as the months passed, solving and delivering a lot more than just the integrations,” said Diogo Lupinari, VP of LATAM Region.

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