
Case Study for YouFoodz logo


  • Retail & Ecommerce



  • 75% faster integration build time
  • Flexible, reusable integration technology
  • Trusted technical support to augment existing IT resources

Use Case

  • Commerce Automation

Why Jitterbit?

“As a pure SaaS solution, Jitterbit won out over other offerings we were evaluating…Jitterbit had an attractive price point and user-friendly, cooperative sales engagement.”

Michael Frost, Enterprise Solution Architect, Youfoodz

APAC | Ecommerce

From 3 Months to Just 3 Weeks, Youfoodz Accelerates Integrations with Jitterbit

How Youfoodz automates processes, futureproofs operations, and enhances customer experiences with Jitterbit’s iPaaS.


Constrained IT resources and a complex blend of legacy, new, and cloud systems were impeding operational efficiency

Using locally sourced ingredients, Youfoodz creates snacks, drinks, and meals for health-conscious consumers, offering items in retail locations and for delivery. Named Australia’s Best Food Delivery Service by consumer website ProductReview for three consecutive years, the company’s products are also stocked in more than 4,000 stores.

Youfoodz needed to integrate its core business systems but had limited IT resources available. With an influx of new platforms to deploy, its overburdened IT group was already struggling to keep up with the new project work while supporting the company’s existing integrations. Plus, with such a large amount of technology to be introduced, many legacy systems would need to be rearchitected, adding to the strain on resources.

Additionally, Youfoodz’s previous integrations had been built using custom code. When issues arose and debugging was necessary, the company had to “hunt down the code, find the developers, understand that code, make the changes, and redeploy,” which was both time consuming and difficult. The patchwork of different coding across Youfoodz’s IT environment meant that if the organization continued to custom code its integrations, it would need to hire resources with extensive skillsets for lengthy engagements.


Jitterbit’s iPaaS was cost effective, quick and easy to deploy, and friendly for Youfoodz’s business users

Determining that it would need to implement an enterprise integration orchestration tool or employ far more resources, Youfoodz decided to evaluate leading platforms. Jitterbit’s Integration Platform as a Service (iPaas) offering was the most cost-effective, as well as quick and easy to deploy, making it the optimal choice for the company’s needs. 

Additionally, the solution required minimal training and would allow semi-technical staff to implement orchestrations that would previously have required specialized expertise.


  • Limited resources prevented efficient growth and made integration projects time-consuming
  • Disparate custom-coded integrations lacked scalability


  • Streamlined processes for fast, effective integrations
  • Flexible, reusable integration technology
  • Trusted technical support to augment existing IT resources


 A new logistics platform, 75% faster integrations, and a scalable foundation for growth 

By implementing Jitterbit’s Harmony iPaaS solution, Youfoodz has:

  • Addressed both current and future system integration requirements
  • Rapidly implemented a new logistics platform that delivered immediate business advantages
  • Enabled staff with limited technical expertise to perform integration tasks
  • Gained access to an effective support team to bolster its limited IT resources
  • Trained semi-technical staff with a Jitterbit University system that didn’t require extensive expertise
  • Met key deadlines for building out integration processes with the support and orchestration system provided
  • Significantly reduced time spent building integration solutions—projects that previously required up to three months can now be completed in three weeks
  • Established a scalable and reusable solution for integration projects across the company
  • Provided in-house software developers with orchestration tools that save time and streamline processes

 “As a pure SaaS solution, Jitterbit won out over other offerings we were evaluating. We don’t have a large IT department supporting our infrastructure, so it helped on that front. Jitterbit also had an attractive price point and user-friendly, co-operative sales engagement.” 

— Michael Frost, Enterprise Solution Architect, Youfoodz

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