- Technology
- Need access to back-office data to enable accurate forecasting
- Every customer uses different systems
- Customers lack size and technical sophistication to implement integration independently
- Integration is built in to all ISM projects from the start
- Fast and repeatable integration process extends to every customer
- Data from any source is available for analysis in Salesforce
- Integrations run seamlessly without coding, implementation, or intervention
- Customers get enhanced insights with minimal effort
ISM Systems Salesforce Integration
ISM Systems helps its customers solve problems using an innovative combination of technology and business solutions. Its consulting services and industry vertical solutions help companies use Salesforce to define, achieve, and track progress toward their goals with accurate financial modeling, trending, and reporting.
ISM’s differentiating characteristic is the ability to tell complete stories with data in Salesforce. ISM combines financial information in a way that clearly shows activity trends for different accounts and provides definitive answers to tough questions every company deals with, like What accounts are buying more?, What accounts are in trouble?, and What can I do about it?
Achieving the right insight into operations often requires incorporating information from back-office systems like ERPs or data warehouses. Using the Jitterbit Hub model, ISM has built a unique custom solution that enables its customers to reap the benefits of integration without ever touching an integration tool.
Jitterbit embeds integration into ISM’s processes
Jitterbit is a powerful app that does what our customers want and they don’t even have to get involved in the technology.”
Steve Snapp, Senior CRM Consultant, Integrated Sales Management
Most of ISM’s customers store their back-office information in a data warehouse, but lack a good way to get this rich information into Salesforce for forecasting and analysis. Typically, this type of integration would require an expensive and time-consuming software implementation project involving a large team of stakeholders. But using Jitterbit, ISM has eliminated the need for its customers to engage in costly and time-consuming integration “dirty work.”
Instead, ISM customers simply upload a data file to an FTP server, where ISM grabs the file and securely loads data into Salesforce using Jitterbit. ISM customers never interact with Jitterbit or do any data integration work themselves. They just send the data and ISM takes care of the rest. Many of ISM’s customers are not large or technically advanced enough to be able to make a massive integration investment, and are able to reap the benefits of integration for the first time by working with ISM.
Making integration as a service a reality for any industry
Jitterbit allows us to speak our customers’ language.”
Steve Snapp, Senior CRM Consultant, Integrated Sales Management
Jitterbit integration enables ISM to better serve customers in any industry, from healthcare to construction. Many ISM customers are reference labs, which conduct lab tests referred to them by physicians. To keep their business running, these labs need a solid understanding of what physicians are sending them tests, whether the number of tests coming in is going up or down, the amount of revenue each test brings in, and what outreach efforts might garner more business from particular clinics. ISM shows reference labs all of this information right in Salesforce so the labs can target and track their outreach to the appropriate physicians.
ISM also works with various manufacturers, who might have multiple third-party companies selling their products. If these third parties use multiple Salesforce organizations to manage their data, the manufacturer might not have a good way to unite data from these different orgs in a single interface. ISM helps the manufacturers get insight into multiple Salesforce instances.
Or, customers in the construction industry might want to improve their ability to bid on projects using a data service like BidClerk. If the customer provides a data file from this service, ISM can show data from the service alongside the customer’s financial data in Salesforce, so the customer can have a good understanding of the financial impact of bidding on different projects.
Fast, proven and secure integrations
With Jitterbit, I know we can do integration quickly and cost effectively. Both the company and the technology have been tremendous.”
Steve Snapp, Senior CRM Consultant, Integrated Sales Management
It’s clear that ISM is using Jitterbit to enhance decision-making across multiple industries with integration. Because ISM continually creates new customer integrations using Jitterbit, the company has really mastered the process and feels very confident in Jitterbit as a tool.
ISM prototypes every customer’s data infrastructure before building the integration, and some integrations are even embedded in Salesforce to accelerate the projects. Over the past few years, the process has been seamless and reliable – “set it and forget it” – and the integrations continue to keep working without interruption or errors.
Because some customers have only small amounts of data and others are transferring millions of rows, average implementation time varies by customer, but it’s relatively insignificant – often hours, never months. It’s a huge advantage for ISM to be able to move this quickly with an agile integration solution rather than engaging in a long, intensive project or custom code a solution using different APIs for every customer. ISM estimates Jitterbit offers up to 70% time savings over alternative options.
Another key benefit that Jitterbit provides the ability to connect securely to on-premise systems, with minimal effort from the customer. Jitterbit makes that easy with a flexible hybrid platform that is capable of connecting to on-premise systems behind a firewall.
Integration that just works
Ultimately, the biggest advantage Jitterbit offers to ISM is the ability to provide value to customers without engaging in a lengthy integration implementation project. Even if a customer does need a more complex integration, ISM still relies on Jitterbit to make it happen. Every customer has a different approach to integration, but even a non-technical user can handle the process of getting the data that ISM needs to the right place. Jitterbit gives ISM the ability and confidence to connect its customers with success fast, no matter their technology setup.
ISM’s customers just want to know, “Can I get the data in Salesforce?” Thanks to Jitterbit, ISM can always answer, “Yes.”