
  • Financial Services

Company Stats

  • Industry: Financial Services
  • Size: 51-200 Employees
  • Ownership: Public/ State Owned
  • Founded: January 1, 1986 Sees Success with Data Integration

The New Banking Standard: ISO® 20022 Payment Messages


The Central Bank is responsible for conducting monetary policy for the country as well as acting as banker for the local government.


In its role as a financial institution, The Bank was looking to optimize their payment standards with the strategic goal to align with prevailing international best practices and modernize their payment infrastructure to enhance its efficiency, reliability, and security. Specifically, The Bank wanted to switch from traditional ACH batch payment processing to the ISO 20022 instant payment standards. Traditional ACH payment infrastructure takes several business days to process, with considerable risk of delays and errors in payment reconciliation, and slower cash flow.


The Bank decided to use Jitterbit Harmony as their integration platform solution to transform their payments infrastructure and hired Jitterbit Certified Consulting Partner to execute this implementation. This was done through precise transformation of payment messages and integration of these messages with the real-time clearing system. Working with, The Company revamped their entire payments system from ACH batch payments to instant payments. also implemented a user-friendly Sharepoint interface to streamline the customer experience. Using Jitterbit Harmony, a cloud-based integration-platform-as-a-service solution, allowed The Bank to deploy a flawless payments integration solution that handles format transformation, payment clearing flows, accurate reporting, and clean user-interface visibility for end users. has been a great partner in achieving our objective of implementing instant payments through the integration of various solutions including Sharepoint and Jitterbit. Karyna led her team at over the past years with a thorough understanding of the business requirements and technical scope required to execute on time and within budget. This allowed for a solution that always took the end user perspective into consideration and therefore increased our chances of success. The solution has now gone live in production and we could not be happier with what we have in place. We could not have done it without the help of Karyna’s technical leadership and her team.”
Justin Jacobs, Manager IT


  • Users use multiple applications for the same information
  • Payment cycle of several days
  • Delays in reconciliation reporting
  • Risk of duplicate payments or failure to process payments


  • Unified customer experience for users
  • Minimized risk for originator and beneficiary
  • Faster reporting and forecasting
  • Improved cash flow
  • Real-time Payments and Confirmations


The Bank is now a leader in the global banking space, with an instant payment infrastructure that allows payments executed within seconds and 24/7/365 availability. Instant payments make it easier to manage funds and liquidity, ensure real-time processing and confirmation, and speed up access to funds. Any questions can be answered quickly and easily using Jitterbit’s built-in logging capabilities.

By modernizing from ACH to ISO 20022 banking standards, The Bank is now at the vanguard of global banking best practices and ensures its preparedness for future use cases.

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