Join the Digital Revolution with Automated Quote to Cash

Is your enterprise part of the digital revolution?

We are experiencing a dramatic shift in the way modern companies do business, with solutions that allow companies to automate quote to cash and other business processes faster, more accurately and with less paperwork than ever before.  In our recent webinar with our partner, Docusign, special guest and Jitterbit customer,, helped us uncover how an organization can go from digital zero to digital hero!

Using Jitterbit and Docusign, organizations like have automated Quote to Cash processes – without exchanging a single sheet of paper.  This is the digital revolution.

Here is one example of a closed loop sale process between Salesforce and SAP:

Using Jitterbit, account and materials/price data can be automatically synchronized from your back office SAP system to Salesforce.  Your Sales reps are now working from one version of the truth — your ERP system of record. Plus you’ve eliminated manual and error-prone data entry that causes nothing but headaches.

With Docusign you can quickly create and send your quote to customers, get their eSignature and capture the complete audit trail — all digitally.

Upon receiving the customer signature, the opportunity in Salesforce is set to “Closed Won” and Jitterbit grabs all the pertinent customer information and product details and automatically creates your order in SAP.   Order, shipping and other back office data is then instantly synchronized back to Salesforce, letting the Sales rep know their order has been fulfilled via Chatter, and allowing them to update their customer as the final step in one seamless, digital, closed loop process.

Meredith Schmidt, SVP Global Revenue Operations at Salesforce spoke about automating their Quote to Cash process using Jitterbit and Docusign.  In her role, Meredith is responsible for the closed loop process that ensures that orders are processed correctly and efficiently.  By using an automated Quote to Cash process similar to the one described above, Salesforce has been able to achieve:

  • Reduced manual processing of quotes by 20% through Docusign
  • Over 50% adoption in sales, speeding up time to close through Docusign
  • Reduced manual processing of quotes by additional 50% through Jitterbit
  • Reduced resource requirements to a single Business Analyst responsible for Jitterbit
  • A 100% digital, cloud-based process!

This is one of the key ways that Salesforce is able to set its sights on becoming the next $10B business.   Whether you’re looking to hit a billion or a million dollars in business, Jitterbit and Docusign can help you get there.  Give us a call  to join the digital revolution!

Have questions? We are here to help.

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