Spring is in the Air and Our Release is in the Cloud

Spring Release

Yes, Spring is upon us. The bulbs are pushing through the earth. The leaves adorn the trees. The Sun’s rays are getting stronger. The days are getting longer. The nights are not quite so dark. The birds are filling the air with their song.

How else do you know that it’s spring? It’s also time for our Spring ‘19 release.

The Jitterbit Harmony Spring ‘19 Release

This year’s release is as fresh as a beautiful day in early spring. According to Betsy Bilhorn our Senior Vice President, Product:

“This is one of the most significant releases in Jitterbit history. Our customers are facing new challenges in integration where they need faster, better, & smarter solutions to keep up with the pace of their business needs. We’ve been working with a wide variety of customers and partners over the past 12 months from initial design through Preview. We’re very excited and proud to continue being a leader in the iPaaS market. This release is just the beginning of the cool and innovative offerings we have coming up in the year 2019 and beyond.”

Some cool features

Although there are more features than we can list here, among the most significant are:

Cloud Studio

The most high-profile element of the release is the brand-new Cloud Studio. The Cloud Studio will be Jitterbit’s new flagship integration designer, featuring collaboration capabilities within an intuitive and modern web-based UI. One of the core capabilities of Cloud Studio is reusability, which means that all Connectors built by either Jitterbit or by Jitterbit’s customers will show up in the Connector Palette.

Connector Builder

The no-code Connector builder allows business users to logically and quickly create Connectors in just four simple steps. Connector Builder allows users to build their own Connectors for any REST-based API within minutes. Now you can build named Connectors to re-use across your environments and organizations without needing a developer.

Connector SDK

Jitterbit is a powerful platform “under the hood” and we want our customers to take full advantage of the powerful capabilities both no-code AND code options so you’ve got the flexibility you need to handle virtually any complex integration scenario. For those who love to code, we’ve got your traditional SDK. Use the SDK when you want to connect to  an endpoint that needs a little or a lot more abstraction. We have a new portal just for developers, which includes full documentation for the Connector SDK and code samples so you can get started quickly. We’ll be adding more soon for our Platform APIs, container options, and other platform features so you can fully leverage all that Harmony offers.

New Connectors

Within the last 60 days, we’ve built over 13 new connectors for Cloud Studio including:  ServiceNow, SAP, NetSuite, GitHub, Shopify, JIRA, Slack, Box and Amazon S3. We’ll be releasing more connectors for popular apps you use every day each month.

To top it all off, we have new expert-level courses on Jitterbit University for both Cloud Studio and API Manager!

There are many, many more features than we have space to describe here, but some of the high points include:

  •    Significant updates to Harmony platform including over 120 major features and enhancements, including Docker support.
  •    Improved UI/UX in the API Manager.

Where to find more information

Jitterbit Harmony Spring ‘19 release will be rolled out to ALL existing Jitterbit customers and partners, as well as companies thinking of purchasing Jitterbit Harmony. If you want to learn more about the Jitterbit Harmony Spring ‘19 Release, check out the product release notes, contact your Customer Success Manager or simply call us at 877-852-3500.

But please hurry. Spring does not last for long!


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