Jitterbit’s “Pledge 1%” Movement: The Taylor Family Foundation

Taylor Family Foundation volunteer day

Following the lead of our partners like @Salesforce and @Salesforce.org in their commitment to give back, Jitterbit remains devoted to the Pledge 1% movement, otherwise known as the 1-1-1 model, dedicating 1% of our resources (technology, labor, time and money) to philanthropic efforts. On May 30th, 2018, Jitterbit’s 50+ employees from our San Francisco Bay Area HQ office spent the day volunteering at The Taylor Family Foundation, a non-profit passionate about caring for children battling with life-altering diseases and disabilities.

Jitterbit’s CEO, George Gallegos, and his wife Vicki Gallegos both have a long standing relationship with this non-profit: Vicki Gallegos is on the Board of Directors and Jitterbit has hosted annual Volunteer Days since 2014. Reflecting on our most recent visit, George noted that he is “very proud of all Jitterbit employees for giving back to the local community at TTFF Camp Arroyo, to get the camp ready for the thousands of campers arriving soon.”

On behalf of the entire Jitterbit team, we’re excited to congratulate @TTFF for achieving Four Star status on Charity Navigator! We had a blast helping them prepare for their upcoming summer camp, Camp Arroyo! Below are some photos capturing the day 🙂

Orientation time

More orientation time!

Simon Peel, our Chief Strategy Officer, power washing the canopy like a boss!

Jitterbit's VP of Marketing, Mani gives a huge thumbs up to teamwork

Our VP of Marketing, Mani gives a huge thumbs up to teamwork!

Akshay, our Account Executive juggling tons of camp tote bags

Afterward, the Jitterbit team played some bocce ball!

Finally, my personal favorite picture, George Gallegos and Eric Rosa, our Senior Director of Inside Sales, carefully counting points!

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