One Million Dollars Raised: Jitterbit Joins Salesforce and Friends to Support Multiple Sclerosis Research

Multiple Sclerosis bike ride

You may know that Jitterbit aims to follow Salesforce’s 1-1-1 philosophy, donating 1 percent of our product, equity, and time to charity. In keeping with this charitable mindset, several Jitterbit team members will join Team Salesforce and Friends at the Waves to Wine ride this weekend. We’ll be biking anywhere from 20 to 100 miles to raise money for MS research.

In 10 years of fundraising, Team Salesforce and Friends has raised over $1,000,000 for the Northern California Chapter of the National MS Society – an impressive amount that has gone far toward funding research efforts. Our goal this year is to raise $300,000, and we’re almost there.

Our first training ride

Last year, six riders donned orange for Team Jitterbit; this year, 18 of us will be cycling through Northern California to raise funds, showing impressive growth in our biking team as well as our company overall. Many of us have personal connections to people with MS and all of us are happy to support further research into understanding and treating this debilitating disease.

Our captain with our youngest team member

Our team captain, Krishna Varia, says, “It’s been a pleasure to be part of the Salesforce and Friends team. We’re very excited to have our new employees join the company and jump into the W2W ride.” Krishna is pictured above with her son, AJ, who at 12 years old will be Team Jitterbit’s youngest rider this year.

“In an effort to find a new personal best for myself, I discovered this great opportunity and am joining the Jitterbit team in Waves to Wine,” adds Maureen Nohra, who will be riding both days this weekend. Maureen has worked her way up from riding a beach cruiser down the flat streets of Alameda and is now ready to conquer the rolling hills of wine country.

The final training ride

We’d like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who’s supported our fundraising efforts so far. If you haven’t contributed yet and would like to, there’s still time to donate to Team Salesforce and Friends. You could be the one who helps us reach our goal of raising $300,000 this year:

Donate Now

Happy riding to everyone involved in Waves to Wine 2015! Don’t forget those patch kits.

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